About Us

At Safe and Save, we supply products for medical use. Our goal is to produce high quality products in line with the changing times and technological sophistication. We aim to meet local and international demand in the future with international exporting activities. We at  Safe and Save, represent brands from powerful companies to make it easy for our customers to make one-stop purchases.

We provide clinical waste management services that are widely used in the medical sector.

Disposal of clinical waste without proper planning and management can lead to the spread of infectious diseases among the people and even in animals.

Safe and Save will be the preeminent consensus organisation for assuring supply reliable product for the medical industry, benefits the public and its industry, professional, and government constituencies by facilitating the development and availability of useful, reliable product and supporting the effort of
responsible bodies to assure the quality of product and practices.
Safe and Save, Cultivate the goal of becoming a superior organization in ensuring the provision of medical tools and products that will benefit all parties. We also support the efforts of government and non-governmental organizations to ensure that our products are in line with global medical demand.