Our Services

Clinical waste management

The healthcare industry is diverse, as are the waste streams it generates. The disposal of hazardous medical waste presents complex safety, operational, regulatory and environmental challenges for the sector.

Clinical waste is potentially dangerous because it can cause cuts and needle-stick injuries or transmit disease. If improperly handled, clinical waste would be hazardous to people at the workplace, cleaners, waste handlers, and the general public.
Safe and Save is a total management provider, with the expertise, technology to ensure that the management of biological and other clinical waste is in line with state and federal legislative licensing
codes. We provide every little effort to ensure quality services delivered to you and to meet any requirements that you are always looking for. Whether you are from private hospitals, dialysis centres, medical clinic, medical laboratories or any other healthcare facilities.

WE provide pickup and disposal services for all clinics, hospitals, dialysis centres and other healthcare facilities.

Collection, transportation, and disposable of bio- hazardous waste and management of sharps and medical waste are our speciality.